Cedar tree is an evergreen, coniferous tree belonging to birch class of trees. Currently there are very few cedar tree forests left in the world. In the places where there are cedar forests, the atmosphere is constantly saturated with oxygen and useful phytoncides and ions. Cedar forests worldwide are considered to be the best recreation zones .Phytoncides have antimicrobial properties and in cedar forests air can be considered practically sterile as the number of bacteria is 3 times less according to the medical standards. Thus this is the reason why the cedar is grown in the garden not only for decorative purposes but also for air sanitation purposes. Taking into consideration the above mentioned reasons Phyto barrels designed for SPA centers are made of the same cedar wood. In it a therapeutic procedure is accompanied by antiviral, antibacterial and sudorific effect. It stops inflammation procedures, strengthens the body's defensive functions, e.g. it stimulates blood circulation and perspiration, contributes to the division of fat fibers, rehabilitation of small wounds, breathing and health improvement, it also accelerates metabolism and normalizes the nervous system. Phyto barrel is a very effective mean for treating cardiovascular, articular, skin, nervous, endocrine problems and immune system. It is an excellent way to get rid of chronic fatigue. Finally, it should be noted that it has almost no contraindications.