Mesotherapy is a method of injection rejuvenation aimed at nourishing the skin with essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nucleic acids. As part of anti-aging programs, during mesotherapy, specially selected, so-called meso-cocktails are introduced into the skin: a mixture of exactly those substances that are necessary for each visitor. Advantages of mesotherapy: no painful sensations, no age restrictions, compatibility with other aesthetic procedures, a short rehabilitation period. Indications for mesotherapy: dry skin, loss of skin tone, oily skin with enlarged pores, the presence of age-related and mimic wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, the presence of fatty deposits under the eyes. The procedure is carried out with the help of an anesthetic cream. The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes. To achieve a visible and long-term effect of mesotherapy, 4-8 visits every 7-10 days are recommended. Due to its beneficial effects, mesotherapy is also widely used in trichology: to strengthen the hair roots and prevent hair loss.