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This makes any haircut look new and fresh. Despite the fact that simplicity is much sought for nowadays, anyway, it’s impossible to achieve such results at home as one does at a salon, the latter being due to the use of wax, mousse, fixators, hair conditioner, hair talc, etc. Besides these, hairdressers also use technical appliances such as hair dryer, diffuser, hair iron, gauffre, hair curler, etc. By applying them, it’s possible to get straight, smooth and shiny hair or, just the opposite, curly or wet looking hair and even add to its natural volume. Besides all the above-mentioned, hair professionals apply different means of hair repair and treatment.



Hair is not only meant to beautify us. It is considered to be a peculiar recipient which imparts an invisible natural strength to our body. In our Elite Care Beauty Salon you can be sure to get beautiful, healthy and shiny due to our hairdressers.



Long sleek hair and hairstyles have always admired people.Hairs are treated beautiful when they are thick, long, shiny and healthy. Usually long hairs are a great opportunity for various types of hairstyle and face of any kind. In addition long hairs are symbols of womanhood. In order to make a stunning hairstyle you need to add an interesting accessory. It is through them to create glamour style. In the fashion world hairpins, tape and natural flowers are treated as modern accessories. Hairpins helps to be different, beautiful and original. It should be chosen in accordance with the haircut. The trap for hairs are so beautiful that the time is powerless against it. They give fairly look to each style. The most interesting is atape with featherswhich gives a unique look to everyone. But the more romantic and subtle look we can give by using natural flowers. These accessories leave an unforgettable impression and they are usually used for a hairstyle in Elite Care Beauty House.


Hair Dying

Women are fond of frequent changes of their image, especially due to modern technologies they are perfectly able to dye their hair without damaging it. As a rule, one’s eyes and the color of skin. For instance, in case of light brown eyes all the hues of heliotrope will suit , or, in order to reinforce the beauty of blue eyes it is advisable to use bronze or golden hues. Stylists state that grey eyes become girls of 18-21. Older women look old with grey eyes. If you are oven 30, you’ll get younger with bronze or golden hues. Hair dying is a very responsible task. Even if hairdresser applies professional dye he/she may not achieve the desired effect. The problem is that hair differs in pigments and their quality and therefore the same colorant provides different results: both satisfactory and non-satisfactory. In Elite Care Beauty Salon hairdressers apply Wella and Concept colorants thus achieving the desired effect. These professional hair colorants are ammonia free and are more stable than other colorants that fade within a month. They help to impart a shiny effect to your hair. To refresh your hair color, we apply a number of hair care means such as coloring balsams. The latter contain vitamins, organic ceramides which also heal your hair and make it shiny.



Braid has always been considered as the favorite hairstyle for girls with long hair, because it is the quickest way to straighten hair. Despite this, there is a view that the braid is only typical for the kindergarten and primary grade children and that the older age it is not interested in this classical style. We immediately mention that this point of view is not true. Braid is becoming more living today. Based on the classic, modern braid aims to make women more fashionable and beautiful than you can imagine. Elite Care Beauty House successfully applied variety kinds of French, African and Dutch braidings.



Chemical waving is a process of making straight hairs curly with chemical materials. Using this method, it is possible to obtain a permit or thick curly hair. Chemical waving was invented by Karl Neslere, in 1906. This method was first tested on his wife. Тhe result was't satisfactory, but enough time has passed since that and a great progress was achieved in the science. With the help of modern materials we can achive the desired result without damaging the hair. Moreover, many materials contain hair nutrients and amino acids, proteins and etc, which make hairs healthy. Specialists of Elite Care Beauty Salon use only professional materials of Wella and make chemical waving for short, medium and long hair.


Hair lamination

At Elite Care Beauty Salon the service of hair lamination is carried out, which is a new method in hair dressing practice. After just one procedure hair becomes silky smooth and shiny. The effect is maintained for several weeks, even for several months. The essence of technology is that the film (covering) takes place in the hair Iona-cellulose, which makes the hair surface become smoother, gain volume, acquire flexibility and silky gloss. After dying special material is applied to hair, and they acquire a bright color saturation.


Keratin hair straightening

Elite Care Beauty Salon offers Keratin Hair Straightening service, which is a relatively new method applied in hair dressing practice. This is a procedure that allows to straighten hair without chemicals. The literate keratin hair straightening is referred to hair restoration and therapeutic procedure since the liquid keratin penetrates deep into the hair, filling its empty space and closing cracks. Then, under the influence of heat it gains flexibility and turns into a protective layer of hair. Keratin Hair Straightening has a number of advantages. It is harmless, hair breathes and doesn’t become greasy very soon, retains its shape and volume without a hair drying process. In addition, hair is very close to its natural look. Hair that undergoes Keratin Straightening can be subjected to various manipulations such as washing, curling, getting different hairstyles, dying and highlighting.