Darsonvalization is a type of physiotherapy which under the impact of fast fading impulse with a high-frequency / 110-400 KHz / leaves a positive effect on human skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle tissue. Device voltage reaches thousands of volts in the case when the current is just milliampere. It should be noted that during the work a small amount of ozone is produced in such a way like a thunderstorm, which is known as a mean of bactericide. This method was invented by french physicist Arsen Darsonvale. It was used by the Soviet Union and then was widely spread in physiotherapy. During local darsonvalization the current is transmitted from the device into human body through the glass vacuum compensator-electrode. In fact the electrical discharge occurs between the electrodes and the skin which leaves healing effect on human beings. First and foremost, it stimulates the blood circulation, regulates blood vessels, capillaries and muscle tone, regulates vegetative nervous system functions and metabolism, lowers arterial pressure, and helps the inflammatory process improvement. The method is also applied in modern cosmetology, for example pre-stimulating blood circulation any cream, gel effectively dissolves in skin. It is also very effective to combine massage with darsonvalization. Darsonvalization makes the skin more elastic, which is an excellent method against wrinkles and cellulites, it strengthens the hair roots. Darsonvalization also has contraindications. It does not apply in the case of cancer, atherosclerosis and to the severe cases of hypertonia, cardiac arrhythmia, epilepsy and pregnancy.