Eyebrows' Correction
Eyebrow shaping plays an important role in makeup. It essentially changes the facial expression. Depanding on the fact what form eyebrows have face expression can be kind, surprised or wondered. According to the makeup artists if you want to change the appearance without plastic surgery, shape eyebrows. Besides eyebrows also have a protective function: They protect our eyes from dust and perspiration. Therefore, their care becomes even more important. Eyebrow shaping vary in different periods of time. For example in 40's, eyebrow shaping was considered fashionable when it looked like a line, later -when it had the shape of arch, then thick and wide eyebrows were treated as fashionable but in the 20th century natural eyebrows became fashionable. By saying natural eyebrows they understand drawn eyebrows without protruding hairs and their color should be a shade or two lighter than hairs. Generally beautiful are those brows which are groomed and natural. In this regard it is important before the eyebrow shaping take into account the client's face shape and age characteristics. It should be noted that although there are certain existing eyebrow shaping forms and characteristics a positive result depands not on the fashion tendency but on the makeup artistic talent and on the ability to select the necessary shape for the appropriate face. Eyebrows need daily care. Do not forget to clean the eyebrows with the face before going to bed. It is also necessary to comb the eyebrow like hairsbutfirst to the opposite direction then to their direction.