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Nail Art


Nail Cleaning

There are more than 5 types of nail treatment. The following types are offered at Elite Care Beauty House. Classic or wet type is based on removing cuticle with the help of cutting instruments by soaking the nails in advance. This is recommended if the nail is overgrown or nails are cracked or split. Apparatus or dry cleaning, during which no cutting tools are used. Cuticle is merely removed with the help of apparatus. Besides this, the tough parts of fingers are also treated. This type is especially recommended for those suffering from diabetes, as it is considered to be safer. Mixed cleaning is the combination of tools and apparatus cleaning which is applied in case of more serious cases of cuticle and tough parts. European type - cuticle is not removed during cleaning, but with a special stick and removers is pushed back.


Nail Extension

The beautiful and perfect look of hands is mainly conditioned by professionally performed nail polishing and their extension. Nail Extension means to artificially increase the length of the nail in order to eliminate the defects of natural nail. This technology was invented by a dentist Henry Ree in the 60s of the last century. The advantages of Nail Extension are its flexibility, balance, equality and finally the protection of natural nail from damaging and the disadvantages are as follows : the need for constant correction. In order to avoid damaging the nail during extension it is necessary to apply high-quality materials and nail polishes. Elite Care Beauty Salon guarantees long-term preservation of Nail Extension carried out by us. We are doing it with the gel or acrylic support. The choice of colors and design is made according to the customer's request and decoration purposes. It is subject to correction in 1.5 months.


Hand Massage

To give perfect look to hands you should make frequent massage. It is recommended to have hands massage every time you visit manicurist because it improves blood circulation, promotes the retention of moisture of skin deeper layers and increases health. There are some nervejunctions on the hand; therefore the right massage of hands is healthy for some disease. In Elite Care beauty salon the aroma of used creams, gels and materials will double appeal to the customer and combining it with other cosmetics means will effectively prevent the premature skin aging.



Shellac is a special type of manicure that retains its color and will not be cleaned for about 2 weeks. Creating a protective membrane shellac contributes to nail strengthening. Shellac meets all modern requirements, i.e.is convenient to use, is very stable and harmless because there are no harmful chemical ingredients in its compounds. Shellac is a covering hybrid material which includes all the best qualities of modern shaping gels and varnishes. In addition it is elastic like natural nails. Shellac is applied both to natural and coalescenced nails. It is also used in case of the pedicure. And as for the choice of colors, it must be said that shellac has variety of colors begining from bright colors to subtle nuances. Shellac is recommended for thin, brittle nails and nail cracks.


Nail Strengthening

There are two types of nail fastening: acrylic and gel, both of which are applied in Elite Care Beauty House. Acrylic Strengthening is applied especially to brittle nails during which the natural nail is fixed by acrylic polymer glue and is subject to correction after 1 month. Gel Strengthening is performed through dry gels or bio-gels. Natural nails are strengthened and grow. It is subject to correction after a month.



The word Pedicure comes from the Latin language which means Foot Care: For some time this service was mainly used by senior people, but today it is available to everyone. Women sometimes find it difficult to take care of their nails by themselves and properly, so we recommend them to visit Elite Care beauty salon to contact with our professional specialists. Stilettos, synthetic socks, stockings, uncomfortable and narrow shoes cause various problems for heels such as wetness, cracks and calluses. Some foot problems are treated with some professional care. So pedicure is not only a men of beauty but it is also a therapeutic practice which is necessary like any other element in hygiene, and requires a serious approach. There are several types of pedicure- classic, European / French /, SPA and hardware pedicure. Our specialists do a classic, European and hardware pedicure.



The word manicure derives from the Latin language which means manus-hand, cura-care, that is why the classical notion of this word is ‘’hand care’’, beginning from care of nails to massage of hands. However nowadays, the notion of a word manicure became a little narrower. For example, in Elite Care beauty salon by saying manicure we mean only cleaning and polishing of the nails. Essentially it is the modern classical process of making manicure. Like other services, the process of making manicure requires also rules of hygiene for avoiding transmitted infection and fungal diseases through the tools.